How To Fix Orange Light on Garage Door Sensor

How To Fix Orange Light On Garage Door Sensor? #1

One of the most common issues that property owners with automatic garage door systems face is the orange light on garage door sensors. When these two safety sensors placed at the bottom of each side of your garage door experience an issue, they can emit an orange light instead of a solid green one, and in turn, prevent you from opening or closing your garage doors fully. Here, we’ll discuss how to fix orange light on garage door sensor and some steps you should take to ensure your garage door sensors are working properly.

The orange indicator light on the sensor is a sign of a problem with its alignment or function. These sensors work by creating a beam of light that is blocked when the garage door is obstructed. If there is an issue with alignment or malfunction, the orange light will appear and the door won’t close properly.

Ways to Fix Orange Light on Garage Door Sensor:

There are a few steps to take when troubleshooting an orange light on your garage door sensor.

Check for Obstructions:

The first step in troubleshooting the orange light on your garage door sensor is to inspect the area around it. Look for any objects, debris, or dirt that might be blocking the sensor’s path. Clear away any obstructions and ensure that no items are hindering the sensor’s operation.

Verify Sensor Alignment:

Misalignment of the sensors is a common cause of an orange light. Make sure that the sensors are properly aligned with each other. They should be facing each other directly and their beams should be unobstructed.

Clean the Sensors:

Dust, dirt, and spider webs can accumulate on the sensors over time, affecting their performance. Gently clean the sensors using a soft, dry cloth to remove any debris. Avoid using harsh chemicals or water as they can damage the sensors.

Inspect the Wiring:

Faulty or damaged wiring can cause the garage door sensor to malfunction. Examine the wires connected to the sensors and ensure that they are securely attached and undamaged. If you notice any loose or frayed wires, repair or replace them as necessary.

Check Power Source:

Garage door sensors require a stable power supply to function correctly. Ensure that the power source is properly connected and supplying adequate power. Check for any loose connections or blown fuses in the circuit.

Reset the Sensors:

Resetting the sensors can often resolve minor issues and restore their normal operation. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions on how to reset your specific garage door sensor model. Typically, this involves disconnecting the power supply for a few minutes and then reconnecting it.

Replace the Sensors:

If all the above methods fail to fix the orange light on your garage door sensor, it may be necessary to replace the sensors altogether. Over time, sensors can wear out or become irreparably damaged. Consult the manufacturer or a professional technician to ensure you purchase compatible replacement sensors.

Test the Sensors:

Once you have fixed or replaced the sensors, it is important to test them to make sure they are functioning correctly. Stand in front of the sensors and press the garage door opener button. The lights should turn from orange to green and the door should open or close properly.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve any issues with your garage door sensor and restore its normal operation. Be sure to address any problems as quickly as possible to prevent further damage or malfunction.

Why is It Important To Fix Orange Lights on Garage Door Sensors?

There are plenty of reasons why it is important to fix orange lights on garage door sensors. These include:

Improved Safety:

Properly working sensors can help detect when something is blocking the garage door’s path and prevent it from closing on an object or person. This helps ensure no one is injured by the door accidentally closing on them.

Reduced Wear and Tear:

Malfunctioning sensors could cause your garage door to close prematurely, which can lead to excessive wear and tear on the door’s system. Ensuring that sensors are functioning properly can help reduce this risk.

Energy Efficiency:

Properly working garage door sensors can also help make your home more energy efficient since they will be able to detect when the door is open or closed and adjust the temperature in the house accordingly. This helps reduce energy waste and can help lower your energy bills.

Preventing Property Damage: 

If your garage door is closing prematurely due to malfunctioning sensors, objects or possessions in the way of the door may be damaged. Ensuring that all sensors are working correctly can help prevent this from occurring.


Properly functioning sensors can provide an extra layer of security for your home. Without working sensors, the garage door may not close properly and could be left open, leaving your home vulnerable to break-ins or intrusions. Fixing orange lights on garage door sensors helps keep your home more secure.


A malfunctioning sensor can disrupt the normal operation of your garage door. This inconvenience can lead to frustration and wasted time. By resolving the issue indicated by the orange light, you restore the smooth functionality of your garage door, allowing for hassle-free entry and exit.

Longevity of the Garage Door System:

Regular maintenance and timely repairs contribute to the longevity of your garage door system. Ignoring the orange light on the sensors may lead to further complications, potentially requiring more extensive and costly repairs down the line.


Fixing the orange light on your garage door sensor shouldn’t be a daunting task; by following the steps outlined above, you are sure to fix the problem in no time. But, remember that if the issue persists or is more significant than initially thought, it may be best to contact lv-garagedoors for further assistance.

Our team of experienced technicians can provide you with the help needed to get your garage door back up and running. We have a wide selection of garage door parts, sensors, and accessories to ensure that all repairs are done quickly and accurately.

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