How To Clean Garage Door Sensors

How To Clean Garage Door Sensors? Complete Guide

Maintaining a clean garage door is an essential part of keeping your property safe and secure. Having working sensors on your garage door can be the difference between staying comfortable on your property and being exposed to unwanted visitors. Here, we will discuss how to properly clean your garage door sensors so you can be sure they remain in good working condition.

You’ll learn the safest and most effective ways of cleaning these sensitive parts without risking damage that could render them useless and prevent access from either inside or outside of the property. Let’s get started.

What Are The Ways To Clean Garage Door Sensors?

Here are some of the best ways to clean garage door sensors:

Unplug The Garage Door Opener:

First and foremost, it is important to unplug the garage door opener completely before attempting any cleaning. This ensures that no electricity is flowing through the system and helps prevent electric shock or other potential hazards.

Clean With A Soft Cloth:

Using a soft cloth soaked in warm water with mild detergent can help remove dust and dirt from the sensors. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as this can damage the sensors and affect their performance.

Use Compressed Air:

Compressed air is an effective way to blow away debris from the sensors. When using compressed air, make sure to aim it away from your face and use it at a distance of at least 12 inches (30 cm) away from the sensor lens.

Apply A lubricant:

Applying a lubricant such as WD-40 or silicone spray can help keep the sensors clean and functioning properly. Make sure to apply it lightly and evenly on the moving parts of the sensor to avoid any excess build-up.

Clear the Sensor Path:

Garage door sensors operate by emitting an imperceptible beam between them. The door’s operation can be disrupted by objects within its beam’s path. Inspect the sensor surroundings thoroughly to remove any debris or obstructions that may obstruct the beam.

Check Sensor Alignment:

Proper sensor alignment is crucial to ensure correct functionality. It’s important to align both sensors with each other, adjusting their positioning to ensure they face each other directly. Use a level to verify that they’re perfectly aligned.

Clean the Sensor Eyes:

To clean the sensors, focus on the sensor eyes, which are small openings responsible for transmitting and receiving infrared beams. To effectively clean these eyes, use a cotton swab dampened with rubbing alcohol and gently wipe them. This will remove any residue or dirt and ensure they’re clean.

Check The Wirings For Any Damage:

It is important to check the wiring for any damage or loose connections. Before using the system again, ensure to replace any damaged components and firmly connect all wires. This will help ensure that your garage door sensors remain in good condition and functioning properly.

Test The Sensors:

Once you’ve completed cleaning and lubricating the sensors, be sure to test them to ensure that they are working correctly. This can be done by using a multimeter or by opening and closing the garage door manually.

Why is it Important to Clean Garage Door Sensors?

Here are a few reasons why it is important to clean garage door sensors:

To Maintain Safety:

One of the most important reasons to clean your garage door sensors is to maintain safety. If your sensors are dirty, they may not be able to properly detect obstacles in the path of the door, which could result in serious injury or damage.

To Prevent Damage:

Keeping your garage door sensors clean is crucial for preventing damage. If the sensors are dirty, they may not be able to detect obstacles accurately. This can lead to the door closing on an object, potentially damaging either the door or the object. Act to prevent unwanted damage by keeping your sensors spic and span.

To Maintain Efficiency:

In addition to safety and preventing damage, another reason to clean your garage door sensors is to maintain efficiency. Dirty sensors can cause your garage door opener to work harder than necessary, which can shorten its lifespan and increase your energy bills.

To Avoid False Alarms:

To prevent false alarms, it’s essential to keep the sensors of the garage doors clean. Dust and dirt buildup on sensors can unwittingly detect small objects as obstacles, causing the alarm to go haywire. This can be quite disruptive and can cause you to waste your precious time resetting the alarm.

To Improve Curb Appeal:

Cleaning your garage door sensors not only provides functional benefits but also enhances the curb appeal of your property. With clean and unobstructed sensors, your property appears neat and well-maintained.

To Increase Property Value

Keeping your garage door sensors clean can also increase the value of your property. This is because potential buyers will see that you have taken good care of your property and that it is in good working condition.

Additional Tips For Garage Door Sensor Maintenace:

While cleaning the sensors is crucial, there are a few additional tips to keep in mind for proper sensor maintenance:

Regular Inspection:

It is important to regularly inspect the sensors for any damage, misalignment, or lose connections, aside from regular cleaning. If any issues are observed, take prompt action to avoid further problems.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals:

To clean the sensors, avoid using strong chemicals or rough objects which could harm their sensitive parts and impact their function. For gentle but efficient cleaning, use mild detergents, glass cleaners, or rubbing alcohol.

Keep Surrounding Areas Clear:

Make sure that not only the path of the sensors, but also the surrounding areas of the garage door are clear from any clutter, debris, or objects that may cause interference with the door’s operation.

Follow The Manufacturer’s Instructions:

It’s crucial to adhere to the manufacturer’s guidelines when commencing any maintenance procedure. This ensures that the task is completed correctly, reducing the potential for risks or issues to arise.

By following these tips and regularly cleaning your garage door sensors, you can maintain a smooth operation for your garage door system!


Cleaning and testing the garage door sensors is an often overlooked but essential maintenance procedure. Regular cleaning can help extend the life of your opener and be sure to keep an eye on them for proper alignment.

If you notice any problems, it’s best to contact lv-garagedoors to fix the issue immediately. Our experienced technicians can help diagnose and resolve any garage door problems you may have.

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